Snuggled In Hope Quilts

Volunteers provide new handmade quilts, pillowcases and other comfort items to children in need, covering them in love, warmth and hope.


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 “Volunteers provide new handmade quilts and pillowcases and other comfort items to children in need, covering them in love, warmth and hope.”

Because of the generosity of volunteers and donors we are now creating a variety of comfort items and able to expand our outreach of giving to other child related organizations as our inventory allows.  

Flying Horse Farms continues to be the primary recipient of our quilts and pillowcases. Quilts and pillowcases remain our primary sewing projects.

Snuggled in Hope Quilt provides a handmade quilt and a pillowcase for each camper that attends a summer session of camp at Flying Horse Farms and provides a quilt and a pillowcase for each family member that attends a spring or fall Family Camp weekend.

Quilts and pillowcases are used during their stay at camp and can be taken home when they leave.

We endeavor to recruit volunteers who will assist us in creating these handmade quilts, pillowcases and other comfort items, so that our supply exceeds the number of quilts needed for campers each year.